Weizhi Meng Weizhi Meng

School of Computing and Communications
Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Office: InfoLab21, LA1 4WA
Email: w.meng3 [AT] lancaster.ac.uk


Weizhi Meng is currently a Full Professor in the School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, United Kingdom. He received his bachelor degree in Computer Science from the Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China and obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the City University of Hong Kong (CityU), Hong Kong SAR, China. Prior to joining Lancaster, he was a tenured faculty in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark, and worked as research scientist in Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore. He is currently directing the SPTAGE Lab.

He won the Outstanding Academic Performance Award during his doctoral study, and is a recipient of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Outstanding Paper Award for Young Engineers/Researchers in both 2014 and 2017. He also received many Best Paper Awards and Best Student Paper Awards from international conferences, such as Inscrypt 2019, ISC 2020, ACISP 2020, BlockSys 2021, IEEE DSC 2021, ProvSec 2022, SciSec 2022, ICICS 2022, ML4CS 2023, IEEE HPCC 2024, etc. Other awards include the IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award for IEEE Blockchain 2018 and IEEE ATC 2019, the Publons Top Peer Review Award in 2018/2019, and many outstanding reviewer awards for Elsevier journals. He received the IEEE ComSoc Best Young Researcher Award for Europe, Middle East, & Africa Region (EMEA) in 2020, and the IEEE MGA Young Professionals Achievement Award in 2020 for his contributions to leading activities in Denmark and Region 8.

His primary research interests are blockchain technology, cyber security and artificial intelligence in security including intrusion detection, blockchain applications, smartphone security, biometric authentication, HCI security, cloud security, trust management, malware detection, cyber-physical system security and IoT security. He also shows a strong interest in applied cryptography. He serves an editor role for IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Journal of Information Security and Applications, and International Journal of Information Security, etc., and was General Chair / Program chair for many reputed conferences such as IEEE Globecom (CISS) 2020, IFIPSEC 2022, ESORICS 2022, ACM CCS 2023, etc. He was the Chair of IEEE Young Professionals Affinity Group - Denmark Section. He is an ACM Distinguished Speaker, IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor, a senior member of IEEE, a senior member of ACM, a senior member of CCF, an EAI Fellow, and an IARIA Fellow.

Lancaster University (LU) is ranked as one of the Top 150 universities worldword and received 5 Stars rating from QS World Rankings.
More ranking information can check LU Ranking.
If you are interested in self-funded PhDs, please free to contact.

Research Interests

My primary research focuses on cyber security, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology, such as intrusion detection, biometric authentication, CPS/IoT security, smartphone security, trust management, malware detection, blockchain in security, cloud security, and HCI security. I am also interested in cryptography, especially its use in IoT applications. Further, I am working on the application of artificial intelligence in information/cyber security. My research has been reported in some media such as ComputerWorld and DTU News.

Here is the list of my publications.

Some recent projects that I am taking part in and managing are as follows.



Professional Activities

Editorial Service:

Conference Organizing Committee:

Board Chair:

Program Committee Member:

Workshop Organizing Chair/Committee:

Workshop Program Committee Member:

Journal Reviewer:

Conference Reviewer:
IJCNN 2025, IJCNN 2024, ICWSM 2023, IJCNN 2022, IJCNN 2021, ACM CHI 2020, ICWSM 2020, IJCNN 2020, ISMAR 2019, SUI 2019, ACM CHI Play 2019, AutomotiveUI 2019, VizSec 2019, VAHC 2019, INDIN 2019, IJCNN 2019, Inscrypt 2018, HICSS 2018, ACNS 2018, AsiaCCS 2018, ACM CHI 2018, SECURECOMM 2017, NCS 2017, ACNS 2017, IFIP SEC 2017, AsiaCCS 2017, WPES 2016, Securecomm 2016, ESORICS 2016, ISC 2016, ACM CHI 2016, AsiaCCS 2016, ISC 2015, ESORICS 2015, CSF 2015, SECRYPT 2015, ACNS 2015, AsiaCCS 2015, ESORICS 2014, ISC 2014, ACISP 2014, CRiSIS 2014, IEEE SERE 2014.

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